Welcome to the prosecutor's office
The Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is
charged with the responsibility of representing the State of Indiana in
all felony and misdemeanor criminal prosecutions resulting from crimes
committed within Allen County, Indiana. In addition, the Allen County
Prosecuting Attorney conducts criminal investigations, convenes and
supervises Grand Jury proceedings, prosecutes traffic and other
infraction violations of state law, and conducts juvenile adjudications
and prosecutions.
The Child Support Division is required by Federal law to pursue child
support cases for AFDC/TANF or Medicaid recipients. All parents,
whether they are receiving these public benefits or not, are eligible
to receive services through our office. Services provided include:
establishing paternity, establishing and enforcing support orders,
establishing and enforcing medical support orders, locating absent
parents, review and modification of support orders and collecting
current and past due child support.
Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is the hub location for
Adult Protective Services Unit #3 that serves Adams, Allen, DeKalb,
Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells and Whitley Counties in
Indiana. The APS division is responsible for conducting
investigations of abuse, neglect and exploitation of endangered adults.